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Your shopping bag is empty
Q: Do you ship to my country?
A: We ship worldwide.
Q: When will my order ship?
A: As our products are custom made to fit perfectly on your body it takes about 1 week to prepare and ship out your order.
Q: Will I have to pay international taxes & duties?
A: It depends on where are you located. We do not set tax or duty fees!
Q: I need to change something on my order. How do I do that?
A: Yes, it is possible to change your order within next 3 days since the moment you placed your order. To change your order details please call us to +44 7379045759 or send email to
Q: I placed order, but never received confirmation email.
A: If that is the case please call us to: +447379045759 or email us at
Q: My order has been dispatched can I track it?
A: We currently do not provide our customers with tracking.